

Saltar é ótimo, mas saltar a noite com as tuas músicas favoritas e um efeito discoteca é muito melhor! São 3H30 de festa com pura diversão para ti e teus convidados! Sextas e sábados das 19h às 22h.

Our parties include:

  • 30 minutos de receção dos convidados;
  • 2 hours of fun in trampolines;
  • 1 hour in a private room for a small meal;
  • Invitations
  • Choose between the options MENU or ROOM RENTAL;


  • menu verde

    25,50€ /Pessoa


    • check-svg Mineral water
    • check-svg Orange juice
    • check-svg Cachorro Quente
    • check-svg Chips
    • check-svg Popcorn
    • check-svg Jelly
    • check-svg Mini Chocolate Salami
    • check-svg Fruta (Banana)
    • check-svg Birthday cake not included

    *Minimum 12 people

  • Menu branco

    28,50€ /Pessoa


    • check-svg Mineral water
    • check-svg Orange juice
    • check-svg Pizza Magherita
    • check-svg Chips
    • check-svg Popcorn
    • check-svg Jelly
    • check-svg Mini Chocolate Salami
    • check-svg Fruta (Banana)
    • check-svg Birthday cake not included

    *Minimum 12 people

  • Menu amarelo

    31,50€ /Pessoa


    • check-svg Mineral water
    • check-svg Orange juice
    • check-svg Mini Breads with Cheese and Ham
    • check-svg Mini Sausage rolls
    • check-svg Mini Croquettes
    • check-svg Chips
    • check-svg Chocolate Truffle or Mini Pastéis de Nata or Jellies
    • check-svg Yogurt or Orange Cake
    • check-svg Mini Chocolate Salami or Mini Muffins
    • check-svg Butter Cookies or Popcorn or Candy
    • check-svg Birthday cake not included

    *Minimum 12 people

Room Rental


  • 30 minutos de receção dos convidados;
    • 2 hours of fun in trampolines;
    • 1 hora de sala privada;
    • Invitations

    Até 15 pessoas

    18,50€ / Pessoa

    MÍNIMO 15 PESSOAS. Acima de 15 custo adicional de 14,50€/pessoa.


    Jump with more style and choose your socks in your favorite colour. Have fun and choose a different color for each foot.

    EACH PAIR: €2


    Avenida de Santa Isabel, Nº 5
    Km 4,4 Cabra Figa
    2635-047 Rio de Mouro
    GPS – 38.746498, -9.342730

    Heading from IC19, head towards Carcavelos/Albarraque,
    Heading from A5, head towards Abóboda/Trajouce/Sintra.


    +351 211 326 741 – Chamada para rede fixa nacional


    BUS 1613, 1614, 1615 and 1622,
    with a BUS stop 10 meters from the park


      Information about the birthday person:

      ROOM RENTALWITH MENU(see menus)


      Booking Conditions

      1. The meal is the sole responsibility of the birthday boy/girl (including plates, glasses, c cutlery, paper napkins, etc);
      2. The invitations are free and can be picked up UPUP Park’s reception;
      3. Alcoholic beverages not allowed;
      4. All participants must arrive 30 minutes before the appointed hour;
      5. The private room is reserved for a period of 30 or 60 minutes (depending on the selected option), with a maximum tolerance of 10 minutes. After these additional 10 minutes a fee of 50€ may be charged since this can disrupt the normal functioning of the remaining scheduled parties;
      6. The final number of participants must be communicated preferably 7 days prior to the party date;
      7. The initial payment must be 50% of the respective value;
      8. Only after payment will the reservation be validated;
      9. No refunds will be made in case of cancelation or non-presence;
      10. UPUP is not responsible for the personal property of the birthday boys/girls, their guests or guardians in case of loss, damage or theft;
      11. Participants with no reservation will not be accepted;
      12. Depending on the venue capacity, extra participants can be added until the day before the party (maximum at 6 pm);

      Payment methods:

      You can pay directly at the park reception or by bank transfer through NIB: 0010 0000 54800880001 72